Monthly Archives: May 2021

Security Policy RTFM

When I start a new position with an organization, the very first thing I do is review the policy framework and its contents. I don’t dig into the network diagrams. I don’t pester security engineers for current vulnerability findings or pentesting reports. I don’t even look at the strategy content first. Why would I spend time reading documents that are basically the digital equivalent of a sleeping pill? Because policies, standards and procedures represent the manual of an organization. Spend time reviewing it and you’ll soon discover how mature the security program really is.

Maybe I developed this habit from my time as a Unix engineer. In the days before Google and ubiquitous wireless, you had to know how to read man pages and use them to solve problems quickly. There were many times I would be sitting in an icy server room at midnight without a network connection, trying to figure out why a volume wouldn’t mount or a NIC wasn’t working, but apropos or man -k saved me. The CLI was the way through those troubleshooting sessions by uncovering various arguments and switches found in the man pages. It made me a better technologist, because I learned that good engineering is as much about documentation as it is about delivering a solution.

And yes, I was that person who when asked by a junior tech how to do something in *nix would respond with, “Man $insert_command_here.” I even threatened to change my middle name to RTFM at one point. While there was a part of me that reveled in the superiority of having pierced the highest levels of esoteric knowledge, I also genuinely wanted people to appreciate the elegance of a system that allowed you to have all the tools you needed to troubleshoot it.

Recently, I realized that an organization’s policy framework and its contents function in a similar way. You can learn how leadership prioritizes risk and empowers its governance team (or doesn’t). You can uncover processes and the inner workings of different business units. You’ll also find out quickly how dysfunctional the security program is based on the breadth of the content and how well it’s organized. Tedious, circuitous and often bloated, policy documents can be a challenging source to mine for intelligence, but it’s the best place to start. So, RTFM your organization by reviewing its policies and standards, otherwise you’ll struggle to separate the valuable elements of your program from pure security theater.