Monthly Archives: June 2015

The MSSP Is the New SIEM

In the last year, I’ve come to a realization about incident management. In most cases, buying a SIEM is a waste of money for the enterprise. The software and licensing cost isn’t trivial, some of them utilizing what I like to call the “heroin dealer” or consumption licensing model. The first taste is free or inexpensive, but once you’re hooked, prepare to hand over your checkbook, because the costs often spiral out of control as you add more devices. Additionally, for most small to medium organizations, the complicated configuration often requires a consulting company to assist with the initial implementation and at least one full-time employee to manage and maintain. Even then, you won’t really have 24×7 monitoring and alerting, because most can’t afford a large enough staff to work in shifts, which means you’re dependent upon email or text alerts. That’s not very useful if your employees actually have lives outside of work. Most often, what you’ll see is an imperfectly implemented SIEM that becomes a noise machine delivering little to no value.

The SIEM’s dirty secret is that it’s a money pit. Once you add up the software and licensing cost, the professional services you spend to get it deployed and regularly upgraded, the hardware, the annual support cost, and staffing, you’re looking at a sizable investment. Now you should ask yourself, are you really reducing risk with a SIEM or just hitting some checkbox on a compliance list?

Alternatively, let’s look at the managed security service provider (MSSP). For a yearly cost, this outsourced SOC will ingest and correlate your logs, set up alerts, monitor and/or manage devices 24×7, 365 days a year. An MSSP’s level-1 and level-2 staff significantly reduce the amount of repetitive work and noise your in-house security team must deal with, making it less likely that critical incidents are missed. The downside is that the service is often mediocre, leaving one with the sneaking suspicion that these companies are happy to employ any warm body to answer the phone and put eyeballs on a screen. This means that someone has to manage the relationship, ensuring that service level agreements are met.

While there are challenges with outsourcing, the MSSP is a great lesson in the economy of scale. The MSSP is more efficient in delivering service because it performs the same functions for many customers.  While not cutting-edge or innovative, the service is often good enough to allow a security team to focus on the incidents that matter without having to sift through the noise themselves. The caveat? While useful in the short-term, security teams should still focus on building proactive controls with automation and anomaly detection for improved response. After all, the real goal is to make less garbage, not more sanitation workers.

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Tootsie Roll Pop Security

Recently, it occurred to me that the security of most organizations is like a Tootsie Roll Pop. Hard and crunchy on the outside, soft and chewy on this inside. One bite and you easily get to the yummy center.

How many licks does it take to get to the crown jewels of your organization: your data?

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The Security Policy’s Bad Reputation

I had a disturbing conversation with a colleague last night. He told me that he didn’t believe in compliance-only, checkbox security, so why should he waste time on policies and standards? I almost blew a gasket, but because he’s pretty junior, I thought it best to educate him. The following is a summary of what I told him.

Security policies and standards are a foundational set of requirements for your engineering, development and operations teams. Without these boundaries, the entire IT organization floats aimlessly, buying solutions and implementing controls without rhyme or reason. Generally, only oblivious technologists design solutions without referencing policies and most engineers are begging for this guidance from their security teams.  Engineers aren’t mind readers, they just want us to tell them what we want: in writing.  Without policies and standards, the result is reactive inefficiency, because the security team becomes a chokepoint for every implementation.

Security policies help keep organizations ahead of the risk curve. It means that risk has been evaluated to some degree and a decision made (by someone) regarding the level an organization is willing to accept. Any security organization that wants to achieve some level of maturity will spend the cycles to develop its policies or suffer the consequences.

Developing policies and standards isn’t an easy process. Often the right stakeholders haven’t participated in the discussion, the documents are badly written, outdated or compiled by consultants with no organizational context. Moreover, policy debates often degenerate into arguments over semantics, but the how of getting this done isn’t as important as simply getting it done.

Ultimately, when security professionals don’t create and maintain policies and standards, they have abdicated their responsibility to the organization that employs them.

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