Why Your Security Program Is Failing

Why do I assert most programs are failing? Because it’s not getting any better. Just look at the 2021 holiday gift that was Log4J. Could the problem be with our approach? Some treat Information Security programs as a finite linear progression from an imperfect current state to a future improved state, or worse, a Sisyphean exercise in modern ennui. Both approaches are built on a foundation of coercive legislation that highlights failure, a corporate Crime and Punishment.

In truth, information security initiatives are exercises in change management. Security programs fail for the same reason many change initiatives fail: poor change management. The failure rate of change efforts commonly reported in books such as Paul Gibbons’ The Science of Organizational Change can range between 20% – 80%, depending on the type (2019). Even if the lower figure is more accurate, a failed change effort could still damage profitability and an organization’s reputation.  

A common theme emerges from the academic literature on successful change management approaches: the importance of collaborating with and respecting those individuals being asked to change. Most of the authors seem to agree on fundamentals such as recognizing the importance of change recipients’ emotions (Branson, 2008; Choi & Ruona, 2010; Dahl, 2011; Williams & Tobbell, 2017), engaging members of the organization to hear concerns and feedback (Choi & Ruona, 2010; de Waal & Heijtel, 2017) and fostering a continuous change environment by creating a learning culture, even when using coercive change methods (Canato et al., 2013;Choi & Ruona, 2010).

Building a continuous change culture is observed to be the greatest support to change success (Choi & Ruona, 2010; de Waal & Heijtel 2017; Hansen & Jervell, 2015). By establishing an anti-fragile organization that constantly adapts to meet new challenges, the need for large, heavy change efforts that fatigue employees is reduced.

Information Security programs could benefit from these approaches. The initiatives tend to be transformative for organizations, focusing on multiple domains of culture and technology. However, while there is information security academic literature that discusses the importance of change management planning (Ashenden, 2008) and attention to creating a security culture (AlHogail, 2015), the approaches often focus on empirical-rational strategies (Choi & Ruona, 2010) that are coercively implemented by security leadership.

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